A poem about cannabis.

Valleys deep where emerald dreams reside,
Amidst the whispering breeze, a secret guide.
Where sun-kissed leaves in gentle sway,
Tell tales of nights that turn to day.

Cannabis, muse of ancient lore,
In gardens hidden, it does implore.
Its essence weaves through time's embrace,
A herb of wonder, a sacred space.

From humble seed to towering bloom,
Its verdant charm dispels all gloom.
With fragrant buds of potent grace,
It offers solace, a soothing embrace.

In smoky tendrils, dreams take flight,
A realm where colors dance in the night.
Imagination's canvas, ever bright,
In the kingdom of cannabis, all is right.

But heed its power, its subtle call,
For moderation is key, above all.
Respect the gift that nature lends,
And cannabis shall remain a cherished friend.

So let us cherish this ancient plant,
With reverence deep, and hearts in chant.
For in its leaves, a wisdom flows,
A testament to life's highs and lows.

Cannabis, in whispers, it does sing,
Of unity, of joy, of everything.
In its embrace, we find release,
A gentle balm for the soul's unrest, at peace.


Nicely done! You need to post some of your work in the BlockChain Poets Community. 😃

BlockChain Poets