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RE: Cannabis Won't Be Federally Legalized If Big Pharma Has Anything To Say About It

in #cannabis8 years ago

We have a different kind of issue over here in the UK which is that we could be getting big pharma's version of cannabis before we get cannabis legalisation - at the moment we have companies like GW pharmaceuticals with a license who can grow and make (some) medical cannabis products e.g. Sativex, which can be prescribed despite the herbal form remaining illegal.

I'm worried that we may see a legal cannabis-based-medicine market develop while cannabis remains illegal over here, which would be great for pharmaceutical companies, not good for medical consumers. But there are also promising developments in our campaigning, so time will tell. #LegaliseCannabis


In deed a sincere concern. Yet I do think that growing weed in an higly controled environment could provide far better quality. Besides that their are many ways to experiment with the wide variety of cannabinoids. Currently in the recreational growing sector the main focus is extreme high percetage of THC which in the long run don't really benefit people.

So don't get me wrong, I agree with your point of view. I think what I'm trying to say is that it also has potential positive effects given they are executed in the right way. The last is highly doubt full given todays situation with big pharma, which is money over people.