I always love asking people this question. Cannabis comes in many varieties, but which do you prefer?
Are you a sativa person, who loves the cerebral, giggly, head high?
Are you an indica person, who loves the couch lock, the relaxation and the stoned body feeling?
Or are you a hybrid person - stuck on the fence because you either can't or won't pick because you love both too much?
I'd love to know!
It really depends on other factors. Are you unwinding from a stressful day? Indica. Looking for a creative/energetic boost? Sativa. Dealing with pain or insomnia? Indica.
Recreational and medicinal legalization has helped so many to realize that there are strains for very specific purposes. Those people who believed in Reefer Madness and the old stereotype of the lazy stoner had to have been confused with it was found out that the most decorated Olympic athlete of all time was a "pothead".
Good points mate. You're further ahead than us! Sadly the reefer madness is still strong in the UK - confident we will break away from it though eventually!
I'm partial to a good hybrid. Granted there are times when all I'm seeking is the giggles and times when I just want to melt into my couch and not move for the entire night but typically I like a bit of both. A solid hybrid is generally what I like to pick up :)
Nice, I always see the value of a good hybrid - good for all occasions :D
@tylergreen - Fun post.
My answer:
Depends on the time of day.
I've had this open in a Tab on my iPad for a year. I've been waiting to share it on a post like this!
Haha awesome, glad you got to share it here, and agree time of day is important (although I still love my morning Indicas)
That's the type of cannabis I prefer. After 30+ years of using sativa dominant hybrids, higher and higher in THC, I'm finding a new breed of cannabis I vastly prefer.
Functional cannabis, is cannabis with a neutral terpene profile. There's no high, no stone, zero inebriation. What you get instead is better focus, memory, mood control, gross and fine motor control, better depth perception and digestion, better regulation of blood sugar and pressure, faster repair of the body and on, and on, and on...
I Have a Phenotype of Canna-Tsu
which has this neutral terpene profile I'm talking about. It's strains like this which will see an ever increasing market the next several decades.
Recreational Cannabis Strains,
the ones which cause inebriation, have found a welcome crowd in those oppressed by a prohibition govt and society. This will reduce to a lower level, as education and functional strains grow.
Thanks for sharing this @thecleangame. I've never heard of this. Something new for me to research. I own some stock in http://www.caratherapeutics.com/ because they are trying to relieve pain without the high... So this is an interesting share to me.
Much appreciated!
Most welcome. :) I was passing cuts out to growers, until I moved to Nevada. Not finding growers here who understand what I'm talking about.
Working to change that. :)
Thanks for the cooment. Sounds like you like a good balance in cannabinoids, are you referring to 1:1 stains e.g. 5% thc 5% cbd? any strain with a better balance of cannabinoids is going to feel more "functional" and maybe less intense than some of those all THC and trace amounts of other cannabinoids. CBD has been shown to be an antipsychotic which explains why the higher CBD strains affect people differently.
Terpenes do indeed have some psychoactive effects, although this is more on the mild side e.g. linalool aids sleep, limonene is antiseptic I believe. What's amazing is that every single strain is the result of a set of cannabinoids and terpene profiles which makes them all different, and I love exploring them all!
Anyway, great stuff - I love the world of cannabis and good to hear you're still so passionate about it after 30 years :)
I believe the cut of Canna-Tsu I have is 14% CBD and around 9% THC. There are many strains which have very high CBD and are still inebriating, there are also strains with equal THC:CBD which are very inebriating.
It really comes down to the terpene profile, for the stone/high. The same 14% THC:CBD levels in a sativa and indica have wildly different effects, from the types of terpenes available. Take away the terpenes and you're unable to tell if the extract came from an indica or sativa, it will have a 'flat.' effect.
I prefer to read up the positive/medical/negative effects on leafly to pick strains most suitable to myself (minimal paranoia/anxiety).
I do think that you need to match a strain to the event/situation, you don't want to be couchlocked or overly paranoid in public or at an inopportune time.
Likewise, if you've got hayfever and your strain gives you dry mouth/eyes it can be a nightmare haha!
Yeah Leafly is great, although I do get the occasional bit of criticism for citing it too much. I like it because it is so accessible - it's as easy as typing a strain name into Google and the Leafly page will often tell you its parents, effects and more.
Seedfinder.eu is another good one for European genetics. Some of our newer strains aren't on Leafly yet.
Also worth mentioning that every phenotype can come out slightly different and that there is no guarantee under prohibition that you're getting what the dealer says it is, but at least it gives us an idea!
You're right man, I tend to avoid strong sativas in the evening as well if I want to sleep :D
Dry mouth is another issue from some strains but I find I get it less these days, especially since kicking the tobacco habit!