It really pisses me off they declared CBD as schedule 1.
It has an extreme amount of medical uses, still yet to be fully studied and determined, and is non-psycotropic as it does not get you high, therefore a zero chance of abuse.
I'd like them to compare the schedule I rule to dangerous drugs that kill! How about alcohol and tobacco, both of which horribly fail schudule I guidelines!
With idiots like these enforcing arcane laws of stupidity, I see this once great nation slipping even quicker to the gutter.
I hope they end medical marijuana legalization, this nation's people would revolt and rightfully take back it!
Laws that deny a human to treat their medical conditions should be against the law; not a plant.
They'd much rather you continue taking their heroin pain pills, so you can die addicted instead.
I for one, am looking to move off of this fuct land, just like the thousands that flocked into Colorado when it became legal for anyone to buy and use it there.
If there's anything we can do without, it's the asinine federal govt.
They do nothing but steal your income, and wage wars on our behalf, and I no longer want any of them to speak or act for me. Period.
The history of marijuana prohibition in the US starts with a racist Attorney General (Harry J. Anslinger) and his disinformation campaign. The criminalization process continued with the creation of the UN and the international treaties which are why the Federal gov refuses to remove marijuana from the schedule 1 narcotics list. The most horrific part of all this is that people like Sessions will never see the proof from the science, they'll only see what they want, and all this fucker wants to see is more good Americans made into criminals to feed the prison-industrial machine.
I bet, if we followed his money, we'd find out that he's got a direct financial interest in keeping marijuana illegal.
I agree and cannot wait for all these old damn dinosaurs to go extinct!
Really dark ages we currently live in sadly.
It is sad when a country founded on freedom chokes on the very notion of freedom.