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RE: Is The War On Drugs A Dangerous Lie? - An Informal Steemit Survey!

in #cannabis7 years ago

"When it comes to opiates & heroin addiction, it’s time to start putting the blame on every Dr working in the corrupt system. They prescribe opiates like candy & are still treated like gods bc the blame gets pushed towards a faceless organization like big pharm. big pharm is nothing without their intelligent knowledgable accomplices(dealers) prescribing pills & making a nice living off the repeat business."

I have been prescribed opiates for more than twenty years, during which I have worked construction. I have chronic pain, and without my meds I can barely walk.

You are wrong about Dr.'s prescribing opiates liberally. In fact, the political pressure due to the 'opiate crisis' is so harsh, no doctors within 100 miles of me will accept a new chronic pain patient - because the doctors know the only way to help these patients will get them fired.

Doctors have to get approval from soviet style committees to prescribe opiates today.

Worse, overdose of prescribed medications is a ridiculously easy way to 'arkancide' witnesses and inconvenient impediments to corrupt business. It is one of the most common assassination methods used today.

Shoot someone in the back of the head, and even if the ME says 'suicide', people will suspect the truth. Shoot them up with fentanyl, and 'overdose' is the verdict, and murderers are never even suspected.

The exact same poppy fields in Afghanistan that produce black market Heroin and street drugs are the source for pharmaceutical prescriptions. Black market drugs are orders of magnitude more profitable for the very same investors that make the money either way the drugs are sold.

The 'opiate crisis' is being manufactured. It is propaganda to convince folks that care, and know Big Pharma is up to no good, to HELP them make more money selling the very same drugs to the very same people on the black market for vastly more money.

Think about it.

I know.