This is a great article with concrete utility to many who are experiencing anxiety as a result of inexorable propaganda, on top of everything else we have to put up with. When folks are messing with your head constantly, you are traumatized.
"...when it comes to depression, prolonged cannabis use over time seems to increase the level of depression people feel."
This conclusion requires a causative effect to be demonstrably shown. Absent causation, mere correlation can exist, and noting non-causative correlation can substantively inform further inquiry.
It's more likely IMHO, that extended depression is self-medicated by prolonged cannabis application. Do you note any explanation for the assumed causative correlation between cannabis use and depression?
All of these issue are somewhat psychological and undealt with, despite some being physical brain issues there can be psychological resolutions, but that's another thing.
Depression being alleviated by cannabis relieves the symptoms but doesn't deal with cause. When you stop alleviating the symptoms and lose what makes you feel good, you can feel worse because you just lost something that was making you feel good. Hence the removing of feeling good can increase depression to be higher than before that loss. Loss can result in being depressed, and losing the thing that makes you feel better can make you more depressed more after you lose the feel good state.
There are certainly many potential causative mechanisms that can be proposed. I meant was there any attempt to demonstrate that a causative mechanism was responsible. I do understand your statement of how such causation might be effected, but do not understand you to be revealing specific claim of demonstrable causative mechanism shown by analysis of statistical data.
If you do have such a source, would you please be kind enough to share it?