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RE: Cannabis (Without Paranoia) Starts With Education And A Plan

in #cannabis5 years ago

"Extreme vomiting for long periods of time will cause severe dehydration and that can and will cause organ failure. It can also cause death."

I didn't get mine from the cannabis but i had stomach flu in 2012 and vomited and dry heaved so much I tore an artery in my neck and had a stroke, so yeah vomiting can be super serious....


Holy Crap
I am sorry to learn this, but glad you survived the ordeal.
Thank you for offering your experience to this post. @viraldrome!

I really tried to come at this with some logic and suggest that sometimes the choice is, to get help or die.

I think the whole vomiting thing is never taken seriously enough and we do have to know when a health situation is beyond our own ability to just wait it out.
For anyone who may read this in the future:
Vomiting and or diarrhea, if you can’t get either of those to stop and it’s been more than 12 hours or there’s blood present, get help.