Crypto Investing

I wonder how many professionals would like to receive their salary in cryptocurrency. As an architect, I would gladly work with a architectural consulting/design firm that would pay me in the cryptocurrency of my choice.

Figure 1. below shows my handsome self about to engage in field study on medicinal cannabis farming.

TimePhoto_20230522_114537.png Figure 1. - @kamuhive conduction a case study

I went to visit this medicinal cannabis farm in the Cape Winelands region - in South Africa. The objective (as an architect) was to learn as much as I can about the physical infrastructure required to run a viable and profitable operation, and acquaint myself all the regulations (Architecturally) involved in getting the structure approved.

My guide was a very energetic young man with a lot of insight into the business. This particular cannabis farm is relatively new, and is a family-run business. A very lucrative one if I may add.

TimePhoto_20230522_115828.png Figure 2. - A grow-room in the at the farm

The more I began to learn about the business , the more I realised how centralised the cannabis farming ecosystem is - globally. Like many other businesses, entry to this type of operation is limited to those who already have the funds (Millions) to invest. From acquiring the requiredpermits, purchasing land, building the infrastructure, and connecting with suppliers and customers; the process is arduous and expensive. Not for the previously disadvantaged.
This realisation got me pondering... why isn't there Dapp that allows crypto holders to invest their crypto in building physical infrastructure; investing in brick and mortar businesses?

I humbly believe that the best way to get the global community to embrace decentralisation is if crypto holders (Whales, investment pools etc.) start investing their hard earned crypto into brick and mortar businesses (Shops, factories, logistic companies, consulting firms etc.) and promote the use of cryptos for their services.

But because I, like many other professionals out there, lack the technical know-how to build such a Dapp - it is my appeal to developers to think along these lines. If there is a group of developers working in this direction already, then I'd love to be pointed in that direction.

TimePhoto_20230522_121902.jpg Figure 3. - Cannabis coffee shop on the farm.

My trip ended with my tour guide inviting me their coffee shop (Which is open to the public) on the premises (See Figure 3.) to enjoy some of their products. But because I had to drive a long distance back to the airport, a graciously declined the offer and promised to visit when I'm on vacation.

Thank you for reading 🙂 Please leave a comment or advise.