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RE: The Fine Art of Selling Air... and How the "Economy" is MUCH Worse Than People Think

in #capitalism8 years ago

A truly FREE market economy might work... although I suspect the eventual outcome would be that the world's 10 most ruthless and cunning people would end up running the planet, with the rest of us living as grunts in a labor camp.

As for limitless production without legislation, that would be absolutely true! But who needs that? That was part of my point. Even if we can up production by 900%, I still just need one car, and I already have one car. I also just need onehouse, of about the size I already have. I'm not going to start eating 11 meals a day. I'm still going to have one TV.

You're a sci-fi writer, so I expect you might have read Frederick Pohl's "The Midas Plague?" In a world of limitless production, the highest status in society becomes to "live simply and NOT consume." Interesting read.
