Captain Marvel Profitability

in #captainmarvel6 years ago


Captain Marvel is possibly the most controversial thing right now. The movie has been largely praised and derided before even being screened and the comic that is based upon has been rebooted several times due to poor sales.

capm comic.jpg

This is thought to be connected with SJWs wanting to advance their political agenda by pushing it onto any media they can lay hands on. Many fans fear that Captain Marvel is heading on the same disastrous path the Star Wars movies went on.

CapM 1.jpg

I want to avoid giving my personal opinion on such political aspects. All I want to do here is to talk about money and the movie profitability.
My close friends and I were asking ourselves how can Disney even afford to expose themselves to this political thunderstorms; are they not afraid of losing money in the process? Are they not thinking this might compromise the entire universe of interrelated movies they've created?


Well, I think Disney has got all that figured out. First of all, the movie will get out right before Avengers Endgame and that alone will have us go just not to miss any link to that (be it in the movie or in the credit scenes). This is to say, people are gonna go watch it; maybe it won't be a record-breaker movie in terms of earnings but people are gonna go.


Secondly, I like to think there are mainly 4 possible scenarios:

  1. Both movie & character are a success.
    In this case Disney will go on do whatever they want to do with it. Seeing the character thereon will be exciting. Disney will make a lot of money.

  2. The character is a success the movie isn't. Here Disney will probably just try their luck again (as it has happened for Captain America whose first movie wasn't really a huge success compared to the following 2 or any other Marvel films), or solely include the character in other movies as a back-up character. Disney will still make money.

  3. The movie is a success the character isn't. Now, this will give Disney the chance to get a good movie out, cash in some bucks and then make another movie where this (main!) character is taken out of commission. If the character gets a lot of hate people would love to see that character go for good. Disney will make money.

  4. Both movie & character are a failure. In this case it will be difficult to make a profit; however, it could lead to them deciding not to chase SJWs and their political agenda no more in the following movies. After all, that was already done in the comics and has been proven to be disastrous to say the least. Disney will not make money but (I hope) will learn from it and give back story-telling to its craft and away from these political slippery-slopes.


For these reasons I believe that Disney has a considerably good chance to rock it. Perhaps they havn't taken distance from some of the most controversial episodes around this release because they are confident the movie is going to be well-received and, thus, profitable. Even in the event of a scenario 4, Disney could seize the chance to get rid of nasty issues (e.g. by firing some radically politicised creatives) coming back strong with good - profitable - story-telling in the long-term.

As per me, I am definitely going to watch the movie and I hope is going to be a good piece of entertainment.
As you could see in this post, I am 'bullish' about it, but what about you guys? Are you confident Captain Marvel will make the MCU even more succesful or will it start its decline?
Let me know in the comments down below :).
