Are Carbohydrates Bad For Your Health?

in #carbs7 years ago

Stay away from carbohydrates!
I really don’t want to ruin my diet.
We know you say it when the name carbohydrates come in front of you.
Most of the people in this world look for the tips and tricks that are of help in the rapid loss. Such diets always demand to restrict all the carbohydrates.
There is a misconception in this society that carbohydrates are bad for your health as it makes you gain weight pretty fast.

Do you know that when you are deprived of carbohydrates, you actually miss on a huge source of fuel?
Let’s tell you what carbohydrates are.
Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for your body. It is essential for your brain as well. Carbohydrates are basically food that your body converts into sugar or glucose to get energy.

There are two types of carbohydrates which are
• Simple carbohydrates
• Complex carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates
These are the small chains of glucose molecules. You can find simple carbohydrates in sugar, honey, different fresh juices and other dairy products.

Complex carbohydrates
These carbohydrates are present in crackers, pasta and white rice. Even some vegetables do contain carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, peas and corns.

Here the question arises, are carbohydrates bad for your health?
We are here to conclude the debate. After reviewing the weight loss research articles thoroughly, we have compiled the convincing reasons for why you should take carbohydrate in your diet.

1. It boosts your mood

Many researchers have found that carbs play a significant role in releasing the serotonin. Serotonin is the chemical in your brain that controls your mood.

Those people who take fewer carbs often feel depressed, and the anxiety overtakes them. If you make the comparison of two people; one who take healthy carbs and the other who is following a carbohydrates restricted diet, you will see a huge difference between them.
It is recommended to eat healthy carbs like corns or sweet potatoes. If you are not a fan of corns, you can have fresh juices as they are rich in good carbs.

2. Carbohydrates promote weight loss

Researchers have found that those people who take fiber, usually maintain their weight or lose weight easily. Fiber gives you relief from constipation. Those women who minimize their fiber intake always gain weight. You don’t know, but several carbohydrates contain dietary fiber.

3. Good carbs are equal to a healthy heart

Soluble-fiber intake lowers your cholesterol level. Soluble fiber is found in beans and oatmeal. Not only oatmeal makes you feel full and satisfied, but also helps you in reducing weight.

You must have seen several dieticians and nutritionist who focus on the consumption of oatmeal. They do that because when you eat oatmeal, you feel full soon and then you quit the idea of consuming anything. The stomach satisfaction lasts for a longer period and you don’t feel like eating anything. This way you save yourself from stacking on the unnecessary calories.

4. Carbs reduce your waistline

Research has been published in the journal of nutrition according to which people who eat 2-3 servings of whole grains contain less body fat than those who don’t eat

5. Carbohydrates sharpen your Memory

A test was conducted in which one group of women followed the low carbohydrate diet for seven days, in actual those women were asked to remove it from the diet wholly. There was another group of women who were asked to take carbohydrates in moderation.

After seven days, a test was conducted. They asked several questions of both groups. Test was conducted to see the effect of carbohydrate on the memory. Results found out to be that those women who followed a low carbs diet failed the test while those who were taking carbs in moderation passed the test.

6. Carbs make you burn more fat

If you eat breakfast that is made with “slow-release” carbohydrates, you will burn more fat while doing exercise. You can take oatmeal or any cereal for breakfast.

A study has been published in the journal of nutrition, according to which, when you eat “slow-release” carbohydrate, it doesn’t disturb your blood sugar level the way refined carbohydrates does. White toast is full of carbohydrates that hit your blood sugar level.
When you eat “slow-release carbohydrate” the insulin level of your body doesn’t shoot. Insulin is responsible for giving a signal to your body to accumulate fat. Having a lower insulin level helps you in burning fat.

When don’t you eat carbs, from where your body gets the fuel?

When you restrict your intake of carbohydrates, then your body usually utilize the stored fat and protein to take energy. This is the main reason for which many diets claim that they are great for losing weight quickly.
You don’t know, but your body needs carbohydrates. When you consume protein, it is not sufficient enough to fulfill your energy requirement.
If you see it from the perspective that your body utilizes fat, then you are wrong. Your body doesn’t completely digest the fat when it tries to take energy from it. The by-products are formed known as keytones. You don’t know, but ketones are quite acidic. Ketones can get released into your blood and are sufficient enough to make your blood acidic. You may not realize it today, you may not know it tomorrow, but over the period you recognize the disastrous consequences of not consuming carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates you should consume

We would recommend you to eat fresh fruits rather than having fruit juices. There are so many options available to you. You can choose whatever suits you best.
Don’t consume the refined sugar. Don’t consume corn syrup, agave and white sugar. You mostly find the refined sugar in cookies, donuts and other tempting desserts. Not only such desert are high in calorie but are almost equal to zero when you talk about the nutritional value.
Go for whole grains such as whole-wheat pasta or you can have brown rice. Don’t think of eating white rice as it makes your metabolism slow. Whenever you buy any whole grain product, always remember to flip the package and check the ingredient. If it is written that the product is 100% whole grain, then buy it else leave it right there.

Portion control

Since we mentioned that you should consume carbohydrates, we want to make it clear to you that portion control is necessary. When you consume carbohydrates, make sure that it serves the nutritional purpose. Cookies, chips and donuts surely look tempting but trust us the nutritional value is equal to none.
No matter what you take be it carbohydrates or protein, moderation should be the key for you. Make sure that you don’t go beyond the limit and consume everything in moderation.
Keeping a sheer balance should be your approach.

Whole-grains that you can try

Brown rice – Instead of consuming white rice, eat brown rice. You may find its taste a bit clumsy, but with the passing time, you’ll get used to.
Eat Quinoa – You can mix quinoa with vegetables and can make a tasty salad.
Oats – You can consume oats for breakfast. It is healthy yet makes you feel full.

The bottom line

Carbohydrates are necessary for your body. It is not a healthy approach to restrict it completely. If you want to lose weight, make sure that you add it to your daily diet. Another thing is that concentrate on the portion you are taking.
We hope that we cleared your misconception related to carbohydrate. If you haven’t included it in your diet, make sure that you include it now.


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