Cardano is home to the Ada cryptocurrency, which can be used to send and receive digital funds. This digital cash represents the future of money, making possible fast, direct transfers that are guaranteed to be secure through the use of cryptography.
1 -The team is building Cardano with both the end-user and regulators in mind. They’re attempting to find a middle ground that balances the need for regulation with the privacy and decentralization principles atthe core of blockchain technology.
2- Cardano is being developed in two layers that separate theledger of account valuesfrom thereason why values are movedfrom one account to the other. This separation enables the smart contracts that are written on the platform to be more flexible.Businesses can take advantage of this separation to tailor the design, privacy, and execution of each contract to more perfectly fit their specific use-cases.
3 - Unlike some other crypto projects, the goal of the Cardano team isn’t to overhaul the entire financial system. Their aim is to use blockchain technology to bring banking systems to places where they’ve previously been too expensive to implement –specifically the developing world.
4 -Three organizations are working together to develop Cardano:
1.Cardano Foundation
2.Input Output Hong Kong (IOHK)
Charles Hoskinson, CEO of IOHK,was previously the CEO of Ethereum and is actively involvedwith Cardano.
5-My view is that Cardano is an ambitious project tackling a large number of problems in the crypto industry.
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