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RE: Explain Cardano to me

in #cardano7 years ago

Cardano Settlement Layer (CSL)The CSL acts as the balance ledgerand is the first layer of theplatform. Created as an improvement toBitcoin, this layer is a cryptocurrency built from the whitepaper“Ouroboros: A Provably Secure Proof of StakeBlockchain Protocol”by Aggelos Kiayias.TheCSLuses aproof-of-stake consensus algorithmto generatenew blocks and confirm transactions.The roadmap for the CSL is as follows:
1.Two sets of scripting languages
1.One set to move value
2.One set to enhance overlay protection support
2.Sidechains to link to other ledgers
3.Multiple signature types including quantum resistant signatures
4.Multiple user-issued assets
5.Scalability in which the capabilities of the system increase as more users join

Cardano Computation Layer(CCL)TheCCLis the second layer of the Cardano platform andcontains the information on why transactions occur.Because the computation layer is detached from the CSL, different users of the CCL can create different rules when evaluating transactions.For example, you could create a permissioned ledger that leaves out any transactions that don’t include AML/KYC data – something that will become more important as blockchain regulation continues to increase.