The holidays are a time to relax without thinking about work or education. But you do not know is that it is a good time to develop your career. Know how.
Holidays are synonymous with tranquility, sightseeing, travel and rest. sacred time for some, but useful and investment career opportunity for others. These are some ways to invest in your career during the holidays, without overload:
Books, magazines and internet
Being self-taught is also a skill that requires discipline and study. The internet, a good book or magazine can greatly contribute to your professional growth. There are of public speaking courses, working your personal marketing, how to make good presentations, how to use software or speak new languages. All for free at home at the time you want. Perfect for the holidays!
Update your resume
Often, professionals who already have a job end up forgetting the curriculum because they no longer use it. But never know when you'll need, so enjoy having some free time to organize your resume, update your phone address, place your new professional experiences, etc. Who knows from here may come new and better opportunities?
Investigate new possibilities
As it has enough free time on vacation start exploring its possibilities! Look for groups on social networks linked to their profession or course studying to find out how is the job market. Find out about your profession in search engines. Maybe get a job as a freelancer, make good contacts, discover a new program or find an unmissable opportunity.
Get organized
In day-to-day, we end up accumulating many roles, keeping important objects in the wrong place, accumulating notes and receipts in the bag bottom. Take advantage of the holidays to make a clean sweep! Throw away what will no longer be needed, plan the best solutions to keep your paperwork and make sure not to lose important documents. Organization is an essential step to be more productive in your work routine.
Participate in volunteer activities
Holidays are a good time to find time to volunteer! volunteer work may or may not have to do with his career, but in any case, will add a lot to your resume! Doing good for others brings good experiences and well-being - for themselves and for others.
Dedicate yourself to your hobbies
Holidays are holidays! If you love writing, playing an instrument, painting, drawing or playing sports, but can not do that when you're working, this is the right time! Cultivate a hobby will help you keep your balance. So do not be afraid to relax!
Before you start something, try to find out what the labor market demands and what the trends for your industry. Lack of time and money can not be excuses for not learning and not evolve. There are short, medium and long term opportunities as well as opportunities for low and high costs. Think, study and plan to while enjoying the holidays also invest in your career.
Thanks for your reading
I totally second learning stuff by yourself. Much much better than going for holiday shopping !