What is More Painful than a Bee Sting? Perhaps it is the mind of an undecided Individual.

in #career7 years ago

One of the most painful stings in the world and also the most dangerous, is that of a bee. It comes almost immediately after you are able to sight the bee. In fact, in a recent article published on buzzaboutbees.net, it is clear that about 500 stings might kill a child and 1000 stings, an adult. Well, this might not make good sense to you, until you are ambushed by a large number of them (of course they go in hoards).
Picture belongs to popsci.com

Is today about bees? Sounds interesting though, but today, I am talking and writing about those sullen voids. Today, I am talking about those lonely tunnels. Today, I am talking about that vacuum we all feel, when we cannot place our fingers on the next move. It is indeed a terrible situation when over the years, you always had your minds and whole being fixated on a particular genre of life.

Maybe in recent times, one thing had led to another and you suddenly find out that the odds are well stuck up against you and you might not be able to achieve your dreams. You are done with college, albeit a course that does not have much inclinations to your dreams (perhaps you want to own the largest bee hives in your town or state or county, and you studied psychology [does psychology of bees sound familiar?]). You do not know what to do next.

Every opportunity sounds good. You are interested in everything and nothing. You are confused.
Bee 2.jpeg
Picture belongs to http://rachaelredgate.com

Hence, you stay at home for a while without a job and no capital to start your bee keeping, with responsibilities and bills pilling up. I wouldn't blame you if you turned your back against your dreams and aspirations. However, just know that as you turn your back on those feelings and emotions whose hope of fulfilling, once completed you, you also open up a tap that would drain the oxygen of dreaming and aspiring.

Once you have become an individual without dreams and aspirations, any wind can toss you to any direction; be it the wind of depression, anger, sadness, inferiority complex, cowardice, indecision or even suicide. Just like a barrel without oil, it takes lesser effort to toss you around.

Bee stings are one of the most painful additions to the pain bouquet. However, I am sure that a feeling of emptiness will have worse effects on you.