People believe erroneously through their religious belief systems that it is man's natural state to consume the dead flesh of other animals he has killed. They believe that is somehow natural order. That is the complete antithesis of the true natural order. This false belief in the natural order is a lie the linear progression of man's evolutionary progress on earth and is based on Darwin's theory, the notion that the species with biggest claws and teeth come out on top. The most conscious being is the highest expression of nature's order, not the most vicious being which probably pulls back evolutionary progress the most, the beastial form of consciousness.
Part of the argument is that we see other animals that it is part of their nature to eat other animals so why shouldn't we do it as well. The first answer is that we are not the same kind of animal is them. It doesn't make a difference with somebody else's doing. Same argument as just following someone like following someone who's jumping off a bridge, would you go and do that. It is that same level of retardation and stupidity to do that practice simply because it is being done by those lower than you. Animals are a lower form of consciousness than human beings. There is a differential in conscious awareness in nature. There is such a thing as different levels in different places we are in consciousness. We have the potential and we should be at a higher level of consciousness than animals [but we currently lack compassion and honesty]. We are part of the animal kingdom, and are and expression of animal life, anima, imbued with the soul. We are different in the plant kingdom in that regard because it is more directly linked to the earth soul. We are individuated expressions imbued with movement, we are not grounded in the earth and insulated. We can move freely on the earth. That's what makes an animal different than a plant.
Well if eating animals is wrong than eating plants is wrong as well?
Yes plants have a form of consciousness to what you have to look at when you understand the deeper occult spiritual aspects, but they do not have the individuated expression of consciousness. This does matter. It is not imagined. If you do enough seeking and understanding
The law of assimilation. What we should be putting in our body in the first place, and meet is what is in the make the body the most imbalanced and unhealthy. This is an ancillary reason and a selfish motivation. The non-selfish and ethical motivation needs to be the alleviation of suffering for other beings. If you're not concerned with the alleviation of suffering for other beings then you are contributing to the dynamic of enslavement.
Humanely slaughtered. The taking of a life by violence is the taking of life by violence. You don't own that life to take, it is not yours to take. If it was your life it would be your life to take but you're not taking your own life. Another animals life is not yours. Only your life is yours. It is ridiculous to think that there is any religious or the main reason to take another animals life.
The dark occultic religious belief systems lie behind this perpetual altar of sacrifice. They are behind the poisoning of the energy field that we are living in and creating the entire enslavement system. It is not just political, or financial, it is bigger than banking and money, it is the old religion. The old religion is the religion of domination. The religion of some people want to be God here on earth, they would rather rule on earth than serve in heaven.
Just because something has been going on for a long time that somehow lends legitimacy to it. This is a logical fallacy. It doesn't matter how long something has been going on the way it has been happening. Wrongs can be happening for centuries, millennia or millions of years and still be wrong. This behavior is a choice that can be stopped at any time. It's not something that we need. Just because something has been going on in front enormous amount of years never makes it justified. Timescales have nothing to do with morality. Matter how long something immoral has been going on you can never make it moral. Thinking that meat eating is natural because “we are” hunter gatherers is incorrect because there is no “we are”. We can consciously direct our evolution if we are in conscious control over our thoughts and understanding what is really going on in our motivations of the deep recesses of the human psyche. If we are aware of that then we are in a position to consciously evolve ourselves and there is no such thing as we must be this thing forever. We can will ourselves to be something beyond that. We are what you choose to be. We can consciously choose to make something different and be something better than who we are. That is what evolution is all about, the willful conscious choice to be something better than you were before.
We will be what we choose to be. The only thing that is not within our will to choose is what the laws of morality are, what right and wrong as. This is set and the new, inherent to creation. Natural law, cosmic spiritual law.
The “we are” is a fallacy. Needs to be rejected. It shows the world who of the person which is demonstrated by this whole natural argument. What do you think human nature is? If you think the possibility for change is? If these are aspects of the psyche about how we view these dynamics of how we are living is poisoned. We need to understand what true human nature is about and the value of a life. Worldview poisoning needs to be healed.
Image from Mark Passio, and text written by me from Mark Passio audio.
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