Very well written! Where did you learn to change all the text font like that? And how do you get your images posted on different parts of the page? I have a hard time getting my images to show up and sometimes when they do they're sideways and upside down.
After playing around for a while I can get them the right direction but I still don't know how to move them to different locations as you did!
Can you give me some pointers? I would really appreciate it!
Feel free to contact me on if you want some hints on how to use markdown.
Thank you I really need to learn how to make my fonts look good and move my pics to different parts of my posts.
I blog all the time but am unfamiliar with actual coding.
I would really appreciate a few tips and pointers!
Posted using Partiko Android
Welp, I had the same problem before! I just did some research, and I found some incredible posts that helped me a lot!
"Steemit posting Tutorial" (by @beanz)
"How to make your Steemit posts look beautiful: A quick guide" (by @vitkolesnik)
"❓Answering Common Questions: How do people align things? How do I get those fancy designs between paragraphs? 🎭" (by @sykochica)
And the text fonts, I just copy and paste whichever text I want from this website! :)
I also use symbols from this website!
And I often use this logo maker to make cool titles! Like in this post I wrote recently! :)