Well I know the Iceberg Struck the Titanic at 23;40 hours on a Sunday Night and went down two hours and 40 minutes later!
So, technically it could count as a Blue Monday?
Nothing quite so drastic, on Monday the 14th of May , I get a call from My favourite Daughter, to bring some items to her work for her .
Reluctant as I am to take the old Ford Ranger there ( some distinctly odd sounds emanating from under the Bonnet).
Please note it is on Stands!
Nevertheless , who can refuse Shakira anything?
Get on the Highway at 14th Ave
Just past Malibongwe Drive , big increase in noise and an explosion with much smoke!
As I am reminiscing the quality of the day, so far?
Hardly come to a halt , Cell Rings, Wayne has hit a pothole with his Opel LDV , bending a Mag Wheel and shredding his tyre!
Here is the hole through the Block of the V6 engine in the Ranger!
Sean , Wayne's Friend comes to tow me back Home.
I am going to make this in 2 parts?,
interesting thanks for sharing your almost blue monday, can't wait to hear the rest of your story, hopefully ending good.
Hope you are well mate with the fixing of the engine and run it again on the road.
Busy with it.
Just hope the sound and all things come to normal again.

Hi @awgbibb an expensive problem i mean if the pistons have damage the work to fix the engine will take long time, definitely i want to read part 2. Regards
wawoow these cars are amazing and haha great logic of blue monday my dear friend @awgbibb you looks to be soo passionate regarding cars!
the experience you got on monday, reminds what has happened to titanic. but good to say, this one is not fatal. @awgbibb
reteemed & upvoted@resteemia
Oh dear... blue monday indeed @awgbibb. Well... I certainly hope it improves. :)
I love cars....most especially with stronge engines...buh v6 is hell a powerful engine how on earth did that hole get there
Bad Motor assembley.
which usually the car occurs out of smoke water shortages and oil damage occurs.
gteat collection of cars
How could that happen :O Oh I could see it's huge! Anyway you are okay, that's the most important thing!@awgbibb,
i think,,this monday very painful for you..that why you call blue monday.i pray ,,very soon you will repair the car and perform your best..
Eish! What a start to the week! It can only get better :)
Hello @awgbibb,
Extraordinary good article of interesting experience that you face. Willing to hear more news of this.
@awgbibb - Sir I like to read your Chronicles... I didn't read them in last few months... This is similar to that type of Chronicle Sir...
Happy Monday!
Phew, seriuosly, ouch. Keep me posted on the rest
This is just too awesome.well done.
have a great day Thanks @awgbibb
Oh! car problem.
100% like and resteem
Dannngg that hole is huge!
This is really horrible to have a hole in it.
thanks for sharing that and great to see you after a long time
Is it really true ?

Not a Chance!
Ha ha ha
Oh my goodness, sorry to hear all the bad luck on the blue Monday. Hope things were better on Tuesday. Blessings!
Groot Gat (Big Hole) Ja/Nee (Yes/No) Blue Monday 4 sure!
The white car are looking smart
That could be dangerous isn’t it.
A hole through the engine block
Sounds not cool to me my friend
Glad there’s no casualties or accidents
Here is the hole through the Block of the V6 engine in the Ranger
Hope you get it repaired, it seems a difficult task to perform. Well V6 engines are quite expensive you should repair the car, 6 cylinder engine, man its a beast.
this is a huge hole in the engine, this is insane man, i wonder if this will get fixed or not... anyways new car is a nice pickup
these cars are amazing and excellent speed running power car.oh,really special Blue Monday @awgbibb
Hello friend your old ford ranger is a desire here, your car is 2004 or 2006 ?
2001 originally 2.2 litre 4 cylinder, now fitted with 3 litre essex v6 .
i wish i had a car like this....!!!!!!!! thank for sharing
hahah!great post @awgbibb and cars are your fashion and thanks for the logic of blue moinday dear
expensive problem i mean if the pistons have damage the work to fix the engine will take long time, definitely i want to read part 2.
Things like this happen once but leave a deep mark of regret on our mind..
Oh, nice blue Monday i hope you doing well, no funny post today?
A blue Monday for sure. Everything is at it's place. Lovely wheels you have got there. Have a good blue Monday.
I also love cars....most especially with strong engines.
Thanks for great share.
someone has been diggin ur car !!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think cars and vehicles are really difficult to repair and to work on but yes they are interesting too hope you make it better soon :)
Sorry for commenting useless stuff - but Blue Monday needs this from me as music addict lol
Your post is rich
Yes, This is so funny.
100% vote Resteem