Show off fails, crashes and instant karma...

in #cars7 years ago

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Instant karma for these idiot drivers, that shouldn't be on the road..

The driver at clip 4:19 definitely needed to get pulled over for being STUPID..

Haha,,, how about the 2 tuner cars at the red light at 6:00.. How could they not look in the rear view and not see a cop behind them.. Too hilarious..

Car at 6:37, it came out of no where. It was like a missle coming by.. LOL.. That idiot could have really done some damage, had there been more traffic..

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LOL... The guy in the yellow corvette(at 2:05), thought he was doing a burnout with all the smoke.. But little did he know, he was not doing a burnout when he got out of the vehicle.. Haha

Motorcycle dude trying to show off by popping a small wheeley( barely got the front tire off the ground, at 5:14), DANG!!
He might be better off, showing off them muscles...
Good to see, he was able to put his fanny pack back on...
All jokes aside, glad he was ok..

What the guy was doing, on blue motorcycle at 9:10 was pretty awesome, I just hate that he wiped out..

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I guess the car in clip at 2:11, thought it didn't have to stop or slow down any. I'm sure that they thought, the loader was going slow enough, that they could beat it... They were wrong...

I've never saw 2 flatbed trucks race before. Maybe that is a good thing, because in the clip at 3:20, it didn't turn out so good.

I can't believe that little car took out the Lowe's truck at 4:11.

That's assault with a deadly vehicle at 6:36.. Darn bus driver couldn't wait for the light to turn green.. Impatient.. There are so many impatient people in the world..

The second half of these video clips, goes to show how fast accidents can happen..

People always in a hurry, but when they pull out in front of you, they always seem to go slow, just to be BUTT..
Yeah, you know what I'm talking about...

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Looks like a hit and run( more like a hit and drive away) at 38 seconds into the video..

All these beautiful cars. It makes me sick to my stomach, to see how most of these people don't know how to drive and/ or they don't know how to handle all the power these machines have.
Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea, to take some driving courses/ lessons, or something on cars with this much torque and horsepower.

I know you wanna look cool and impress the ladies. But come on!!!

If you can't handle it, don't get it..

I hope you enjoy these videos..
I sure did.

Thanks for viewing!!!