What is Oversteer and Understeer? -Oversteer a symptom where the rear tire of the car loses grip against the road surface. As a result, part butt car shifts by itself without power from the driver. Usually caused by excessive penggereman before entering the corner bends, so load the car moved into the fulcrum of both front and rear tire traction became drastically reduced. Another possibility could be caused when you avoid objects in front in a snap by way of slamming the steering wheel. If you are not able to master control, the car will shift and then crashed into another object from the side.
Actually a lot of ways to avoid oversteer. One is reduce speed before entering the corner. Before driving out of town, it would be nice you learn the lines that will pass through the GPS. Why? As you can tell how many bends and no doubt you can customize the car with lines that will pass. The case of a collision caused by symptoms of oversteer is also quite a lot. It usually happens on a rear wheel drive car with a body high as Toyota Avanza, Daihatsu Xenia, Kijang Capsule, Toyota Fortuner, Pajero Sport, etc.
If it's already happened, oversteer do not do penggereman. And try the hands remain in the circumference of the wheel. Then slam the steering wheel with sprightly against direction of oversteer. But remember, don't overdo it. For the car giant wheel bekang, reduce the pressure on the gas pedal, while for front-wheel drive car, press gas pedal sparingly to add traction tires. Make sure the eye direction is to point to the destination. Then prepare yourself to recover the steering wheel to its normal position.
In the world of racing, there is one highly demanding drivers able to control oversteer as you wish to achieve full points. The branch known as the drifting or ngepot. The last few years, the sport is quite popular in Indonesia. Usually the participants used the rear wheel drive sedan with engine specifications that have been overhauled. The greater the power and traction that can be produced by the engine, then the easier car to move sideways in the corner. In addition to other important components of the engine, the chassis is strong and should also penggereman should be adequate.
How to overcome the symptoms of Oversteer and Understeer
Understeer and Oversteer
Next the understeer. Understeer is essentially an incident where you turn the steering wheel, but the car moves straight, or not cornering as you want. These symptoms often arise due to lack of traction that is on the front of the car. Slippage that occurs is usually caused by the front tires balding. Front tires balding is not able to provide maximum grip against the asphalt surface especially when it rains. So the car would get off track and cause panic for the driver.
Case of accident happens because of understeer is also very much. Usually override the car passing through steep derivatives in the rainy season. How to overcome the understeer was slowing the car by practicing engine brake which is counterbalanced by the penggereman on the front, until the grip is back to normal. The other way is to apply the rear brake, i.e. by pulling parking brake lever slowly. Do not pull in vain, because the car will be turned upside down. Try also not to reply to the direction of the steering wheel, because the car can also experience symptoms of oversteer at the top.
So a little tip drive to overcome the symptoms of oversteer and understeer of Topgir this time. May be useful. If anything is unclear, please comment.
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ok my friend
i like your post my friend
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