The next instalment of the Deloraine Street Car Show Tasmania. I have some more great cars to show you today from this great car show. I hope that you will enjoy these photos. And stay tuned for Ep 12 coming soon.
Nissan Skyline.
Pontiac Firebird Transam.
AC Cobra replica.
Datsun Failady.
Hot Rod.
Holden EH.
Over view.
Valiant Regal 770.
Honda CB500.
Ford Falcon XA Coupe.
Ford Falcon XP.
You must be enjoying the vintage car show. Really great cars. I like the AC cobra replica and the Ford Falcon XA Coupe. Two beautiful cars. Thanks alot @j85063 for the great work posted. Keep more of the great work coming.
Thank you and more to come:)
Your welcome my dear brother.
Ford Falcon XA Coupe. nicee
Yes it's very nice.