I have been pondering an analogy. Suppose your knowledge of cars came primarily from "The Fast and the Furious" film franchise, and your political stance on cars relied on their depiction in cinema to inform your perspective about driving and drivers in general. You may have never even seen a car yourself, but you are sure you understand the issue fully.

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What if every headline about any auto fatality led to you calling for "common-sense car control reform." When anyone dares discuss how cars actually work, what regulations already exist, and how the vast majority of people drive, you accused them of being a shill for the AAA or not caring about human suffering. If people question the need for any existing laws or cite any studies that contradict your preconceptions, you shouted, "The blood of the innocent is on your hands! We have to do something, and you don't even care!" What if your arguments about what kinds of cars people should be allowed to own were presented as a middle-ground compromise, and "no one needs more than a 1.6L 4-cylinder FWD sedan anyway!"
That is how gun control advocates act on social media, and how the yellow journalists of today pretend to be "fair and balanced."
But, you don't understand!
Death by cars is the 9th leading cause of death.
that is a very interesting method of presenting this. Are these all your own thoughts? Very nicely worded article pal!
I am not aware of anyone else making this exact analogy. It is possible other people influenced this train of thought, though. I think I was just trying to explore how media portrays firearms gratuitously and unrealistically, and then trying to find another common machine that is portrayed as unrealistically in film.
Now that you mention it, there has been a story circulating for a few years in response to "We need to regulate gun owners like drivers" followed by an explanation of how silly that comparison is, but I don't think I had that in mind when writing this.
"Regulating guns like drivers." Yeah, they really dont want that.
I can currently modify or make almost any kind of vehichle I want so long as it stays off of public roads. Would "they" be okay with people posessing modifying or manufacturing machine guns, guided rocket launchers, and howitzers so long as they didn't use them in "public space?" Doubt it...
Control freaks never really think these things through. They only focus on the tunnel visioned goal of controlling others.
Imagine being free to buy and sell any guns across state lines, and without any background checks. A licence in one state is good in all 50 automatically. I would only need to carry liability insurance. I could use anything whatsoever on my own property as you noted. They definitely did NOT think that through.
The other common stupid argument is, "I wish women were as protected as guns." It's even more silly.