As with any engine, a throttle body is is the part of the air intake system that controls the amount of air flowing into the engine, in response to driver accelerator pedal input.
The condition of the throttle body is important for the engine to run smoothly so in this post I'm going to share how I clean the throttle body of my car.
I bought this can of cleaner from Ace Hardware
The throttle body connect to the air intake hose
First remove the intake hose that is connected to the throttle body
A dirty throttle body
Spray the inside of the throttle body with the cleaner and wipe it with a cloth, then rotate the throttle mechanism and spray the inside with cleaner and wipe it with the cloth too.
A clean throttle body
Once it's all cleaned, wipe off any residue of the cleaner. Replace the intake hose, start the engine and go for a drive.
um... please don't mind me, I am just testing this out. I am not spamming, really. I'll be on my way now. oh yes... I just upvoted you by the way. Stephard Tester, superoo7/superoo7-dev