All automobile manufacturers and GAFAs make us believe that the autonomous car is for tomorrow ... It is obviously their interest!
But I predict that the arrival of the first autonomous cars will not be a part of pleasure: There will be, obviously accidents, which will raise insoluble problems of responsibility:
- who of the manufacturer of the car or the owner of it will be responsible for accidents,
- when the software of the car will have to choose between precipitating the car on a wall or striking pedestrians, how will it be done?
- what standards will be required for infrastructure? Will it be necessary to modify all the roads, the alleys, the dirt roads of France and Navarre?
- what will be the cost of software updates for vehicles; which will make them obligatory ...
You see the type of problems that will appear?
The autonomous car is going to be such a gulf that I predict that its use will be framed by a thousand regulations and laws of all kinds, which will make the occupant of the car (I do not dare to say the driver), the person in charge of all decisions made by his car.