Why use Electric cars?? Why????

in #cars8 years ago

Sorry for my rant, but I really do not get it how so many people do not understand why electric cars are not sold that much...

Environment friendly?

The electricity comes out of the wall... like the water... this is where I think the thinking stops for buyers of electric cars... They do not think about the fact that the energy they are putting into their cars perhaps is nuclear and leaves radioactive waste behind... many would say now, yeah, there are thousands of metric tons of nuclear waste each year, but what about CO2, nuclear power plants do not emit this harmful CO2.
Ok, nuclear power plants do not emit CO2, but they are not CO2 neutral, the contamination starts when the uranium is being mined with huge trucks and enriched.
There are also many voices who say that CO2 does not do anything regarding the so called climate change... But people do not worry about nuclear waste as much as about climate change... really brainwashed...
In Germany the biggest consumer of nuclear energy was (and is) the Deutsche Bahn with its trains... So all the ecological people who chose to use the train contributed each year 20% of the 500 tons of nuclear waste which Germany produces each year...
Imagine: You ride 50 km each day with a train and leave behind 100 metric tons of nuclear waste, deadly for a MILLION years...

I cannot imagine every 3 years changing in Europe alone 40.000.000 batteries which weigh 200kg or whatever each, with highly toxic Lithium...


Yeah sure... if you want to stop every 300km and wait 5 hours until the car is been charged... It has a nice acceleration though... and does not emit contamination when not running, like in a traffic jam.
But hopefully you do not crash with that thing... they usually explode or burn down quite quickly...

Tesla only survives because of its subsidies

Why are politicians so keen to introduce that shit? Do they want higher electricity consumption or I really do not understand it... I mean surely, if you use only electricity to move, I guess a country like Germany would need another dozen nuclear plants...

Please let me know below what is the reason in your eyes they are pushing this agenda...


I'm afraid you're using too much common sense. EV is good. Oil is bad. And that's all the thought you'll get from most folks.

Yeah... these people are really brainwashed... I think here on Steemit the figures of brainwashed people are a lot less...

Personally I think that the main reason for hearing about switching to "green" energy has to do with more political than scientific reasons. It seems like a group of individuals within the US have some sort of a self hating complex, in which they believe certainly that the US in its Successes, in some way is a major contributor to global warming etc..Despite the fact that scientists have yet to show an actual model (even if humans are a contributing factor) as to how reducing emissions can/will stop it, and that the actual top contributors are totally non compliant with any initiatives put forward by the UN. As such you see this obsessive, and yet poorly informed lobbying group whose real goal at the end of the day (Assuming they are not completely mentally handicap d) resembles some sort of deranged Neo-Marxist campaign.. They fill your head with heart throb stories about coastal towns and cities in "under privilaged" nations and then immediately resort to sending them millions if not billions of taxpayer money. As if they think that simply throwing money at a problem will solve it.. The whole Electric Vehicle ordeal in my opinion, was meant to coerce the general public into believing that a seamless transition from fossil fuels would be possible (hint: it would be catastrophic)... We also have to remember how Big Oil Influences world Politics and Competitors interests in Derailing competition.. What really does a globalist economy want other than to redistribute market share that the US acquired over the years prior to ww2.... Again.. I don't believe science has anything to do with this as much as Ideologically driven politicians do.. Great article!

Thanks! Great Comment as well!

I think the U.N. itself is a nasty organization who pushes some incredible agendas... So not sure how the line of command exactly goes... but it is clear that the EV movement is not a grass roots movement...

But: if Big Oil would influence a lot, how can one explain that politicians want to shift away from oil?? Wouldn't they lobby for oil powered plants or something like that?

I like the concept of electric car but the biggest problem remains the storage of the electricity (the batteries) and the source (nuclear power plant in general). But I think it's the future. I will follow your blog because I love nature and your reasoning.

Thanks @izbing, I have the opinion that oil is available unlimited, as it is produced not by cooked Dinosaurs (as explained in school books), but by process and preasure in the earths core. So even old oil fields refill usually... the fields in Saudi Arabia refill.... so we would never run out of oil. And the climate change (there is no constant climate, it always changed) does not exist because of CO2... The only thing that remains is contamination in city centers... they could force everybody to use bikes there... would be better for everybody...

I agree. The sources of the energy used to power electric cars are typically no better than the sources of energy that are used for gasoline powered vehicles.

It's just a more separated process and that makes people feel better about themselves "saving the environment" when all they're doing is less-directly paying the same companies who are earning multi-billion dollar profits in oil and gas.

Thanks for the post!

Thank you for reading! :)

The things needed to produce electricity are just as bad as processing and using oil.

Or much worse... it is like with these Hydrogen cars... no one wonders where the electricity for getting the Hydrogen comes from...

I think electric cars are very cool, It's a big bump in technology. I understand what you are saying thou, there is a lot of negatives to using one.

I drove an electric car for 6 months and got rid of it.
I didn't like it, but that's just my own preference...
Maybe in the future I change my mind about electric cars...

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Great choice! I hope you got your money back....

No, I just leased it temporarily to test it and maybe buy it later, but I changed my mind.
I don't think I would buy any electric car any time soon...

Electric cars is the future

I do not hope you are right... but upvote anyhow. ;)

Natural energy does not die 💪🌞💧❄

Nuclear energy is also natural energy! :)

Oil companies have been push back on electric cars. All major cities are not electric cars friendly. I do see is slowing changing now with Telsa dealerships and showrooms popping up.

I think electric cars are cool, but I understand what you are saying.

In fact, there is a negatives to using one.

Congratulations! Now I'm following you :)

Thanks for following!

"if you want to stop every 300km and wait 5 hours until the car is been charged" Thats the main problem, yea :D

I think that electric car is the future.
And Elon musk has proved it through his company - Tesla

They're pushing Electric Cars so hard so that the U.S won't have to invade other countries for oil anymore LOL

There is no alternative for future, fuel is gonna run out

I had thought the same thing myself. But I do think there are efficiencies in having the power company generating the electricity vs everyone having their own combustion engine in each car.

And doesn't Germany have lots of renewables like PV? One could have a nice setup to have their PV panels charge their car or a battery pack to charge their car later (yeah charge a battery to charge another battery seems wasteful). Although some say that PV panels just export the pollution to china since they take lots of energy to create (and they use coal). Haha.

I think in the end there's no silver bullet to the worlds problems. Just different ways to waste money.

well there might be also another reason and that is there is no alternative available right now they are pushing so much on Electric