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RE: The Manual Gear and the Automatic Gear, YOUR THOUGHTS?

in #cars8 years ago

I will pick a good old Manual car over the Automatic any day, any time (except its during the weekdays in Lagos with the horrendous traffic!)

Oh puhlease 😏 Make no exceptions and stick with your team manual. Leave us, team auto, alone o.

The automatic transmission is a product of advancement in tech yeah? So will you still be riding stick when self driving cars become a thing too?


You see like old wine, manual is class

Try jump starting an automatic

could it be that if your a manual fan, your a control freak..or maybe this l0ove for automtic come from your disstrust in technology..which most of us have in different aspects.Ha!>>>self driving cars....what about that? @epikcoin

Imagine you had to drive inter-state and your shifting gears every other minute. That would ad to stress don't you think?