
Hahahhah I was born in 1987 hahaha you think I'm that old that when I was born Trucks looke dlike thius/
haha lemme show you what a GMC Triuck looked like in 1989 hahaha

here is a simple chart of vehicle design history :D

wow 8i was going to make a nice image coimpilation for you with the datesbut I lookedit up and am so happy to have found this amazing chart! This really shows you the evolution of the design of the shapes and how they started changing manufacturing techniques and made it more aerodynamic to save gasoline and its just amazing how it changed from the 40s to the 50s and this truck is 50s and then 60s and 70s trucks look more modern amnd 80s and 90s are like what I grew up with and like one in the picture above and now we have modern trucks which havent changed much in a few years but will soon.

I REALLy want a new 80s style modern rounded off 80s angles is what I want to look into designing or looking at vaporwave style

in mean time I will settle for the newest truck designs like this:

Its pretty nice, imagine havin one of those to go with a new house in Nigeria wooo that Truck deserves to be in Africa to really get used and off road and haul stuff. I bet with roll cage and bigger wheels and winch and extra lights we could find the ultimate Africa Trucks for surfyogi :D

But seriously the car is beautiful..Hahahahahaha @ackza don't mind me.