
Its kinda nice. Very powerful. The big trip is still to come tomorrow,
The problem with renting such a car is, that it takes 3 weeks to learn all its functions. The manual book has 400 pages or something. In 2 days you can only learn the most basic things.
You wouldn't believe what it has fitted - distance keeping assistant, power retrieval (like F1 cars), emergency connection to a call center, and a million other things. But the brakes are so sharp that its hard to stop smoothly at a traffic light, and every time I get out I hurt my leg because the seat is higher up than I was used to.

The hire price suprised me too: € 100 for 2 days (fri afternoon till mon morning), thats about 165 AUD . The fuel I have to pay myself. But its not so thirsty - in economy mode (yes, it has that too) it uses about 6 ltr/100km. Not bad for a 2 ton car.

It would cost us over $100 bucks for a crappy Toyota Yaris for the weekend down here in the lucky country, Lol. Have fun mate cheers.