Former Bostonian here !
Anyway you look at it 50k is a LOT of jing.
I am an older guy and sorta past the cool car stage.
So MY advice would be a loaded Honda CRV, or Toymotor, maybe even a Lexus if you want cool. Why ?
So, oil is low these days, but you notice that Gas has pretty much stayed the same ? (taxes and the way they refine it in just enough batches)
The oil market will bounce UP at some point, and that first bounce is going to be a shocker. So having a decent vehicle, that is decent on gas will have that future in mind.
Second: I have had many vehicles, some I fell in love with spent hours on, and they all end up the same, disappointment, dead , dying or crashed LOL
A vehicle is just wheels, transportation, nobody worthwhile gives a darn what your vehicle is -Really, A decent woman can see that it's fairly new, and smells good and is clean, only a shallow girl is gonna be after you because of the beemer ;)
Third: 50K is a LOT of Time and Effort, sure you may rake in the dough now, but you also need to be concerned with value. That said, why not convert the extra 20k you save by getting an ok vehicle and :
Down payment on income producing property, financial investments, emergency funds and retirement funds, 20k saved and invested is a LOT of earning potential, nobody will begrudge the decent smaht vehicle, and they won't be there when you want to retire early either...
Just my 2 cents ;)