A bit sad casino storys of this week

in #casino3 years ago

I have deposited in this week over 2.3k€ to try get back my casino losted money but this ties was all losted biggest win was from 10€ —> 1k euro but I didn’t stop of my task to get all my money back what i have losted total now of losted money is 67.3k euros i know its impossible but my heart says in one day it will happends.
Good news i have been reached Level 51 🥳🥳🥳
Alot money wasted to have sadness depressions for number 51🥳

Ther is my register link:


if some one wanna try a bit of extremal casino playing addiction just for rich persons you can deposit in crypto and in bank transfers!!!
I play on Gamdom fast deposite and fast withdraws on crypto!!!

DISCLAMER : Nerver play casino its not good possibility to get more money its just same like drugg addction 1 time wins and other 50 times loses its not good for persons who no have money or have just try be person who will never enter in casino to get some jacpot its just luck procentage that u will win is 0.001% just be careful 🙏🙏

