Dear Satie,
You don't speak english, mine is not perfect, but you'll probably get the idea.
It's been years now since I realized I don't want to have children. I don't have anything to teach, I don't want someone to totally depend on me, and I've never been good with young people, in general.
I don't want to live with someone either. I've been loved of course and I loved, and somehow I managed to have both of it at the same time. I'm fine with my man, and I'm fine with him living and existing without me, just like I do. I'm not only his, I'm mine.
I'm a solitary personn. I don't suffer any problem about this, I'm not shy, and people usually like me when I'm there, and I'm sometime enjoy their company. I've got friends. But I enjoy being alone, and I can spend day in my flat without seing the world outside.
Here is where you come my dear one. I enjoy being alone, but not really. It takes time for my to miss people, but one hour away from you and I miss you.
I've always had animals, and when I left my parents house, I missed it. Not really the animal, but having a presence, someone who's always there but never to much. And I could have take any other animal, but thanks god I got you.
I panicked so much the first night, you are my first cat. You were so daaamn little and fragile, even for a three month cat, you slept into my two hand ( and I have little hands ). I didn't know how to take care of you, and you kept avoiding me, so I just went to bed, depressed with you under my table. And the next day I wake up with you sleeping in my neck.
You're a special cat. You're three years old now, and you still so little and clumsy. You have panick attack every firework or thunder. I don't like it either. You kept being mean with every man I used to bring home before you're actual dad showed up, and you let him a chance, now you love him.
You're not a really friendly cat, you don't go in my arm, you don't cuddle every on who comes in. Somehow, you're a little like me. You've got your humors. Sometime you're not in the mood and you let me know. But you're never really mean, you never really bit, and in three years I only had like less than ten scratches from you. You are always by my side.
I've took you everywhere I could. We do long walk in the snow every winter. You sleep on my bed every night, and wake me up every morning. You're always on the couch when I put Doctor Who or Sherlock on the screen. I think you started to recognize the music by now.
Talking about music, your first name was not Satie, it was Folavril, frome a book of Boris Vian. But you didn't want to answer. When you were little, you were terrified by every sound, so I used to play Satie's music really loud to calm you. It worked, and you kept the name.
You've been a little sick this week, and I've been so worry. I realized that you're my sidekick. You're my little Watson, my little Amelia Pond. You're always next to me in any adventure, and you help my moving on.
I can't wait to see what life has for us.
READ your whole post ♦♦ I related to your plight -- that is, when you first brought your pet home:
"I panicked so much the first night, you are my first cat. You were so daaamn little and fragile, even for a three month cat, you slept into my two hand ( and I have little hands ). "
I also had a little kitten, at one time ♦♦ She used to crawl up my leg, onto my lap ... and then up my Arm & ONTO MY SHOULDER & NECK area.
She seemed to like that -- though I'd try to be careful that she didn't try to lick my face [as it's dangerous if a #CAT licks one's EYES ]
I read that, so be careful ♦♦ But Back to your #story : I enjoyed when u say, "You're always next to me in any adventure". And ALSO - the fact that You're anticipating what #LIFE has in store for the 2 of you !!
UPVOTING, Big time.
is it a panther ?
Yep a very scary one :)
I love this post!
Enjoy your purrrrfect companion!
It seems a little bit like her ;)

black cat, white woman and nice post
Great piece. Please upvote my introduction post..just a newbie. Thanks a lot
DID SO (Upvoted you, Newbie ) - Have FUN here at #STEEMIT
I can't expain what I have just read.
From being lonely to expecting a cat to welcome who ever comes in, down to the last line.
I can't wait to see......
Wow, i love your kind of person. Nice 1 @abagendo, self realization is the best in life just make sure you take good care of her.
Always, she have all the attention of the world :)
that's great dear
i love this
i appreciate your post ^@^! Thanks.
i enjoy your post ^^! Thanks.
Love u,, Super nicely cat
happy today for you!
Reminds me of my own clumsy cat! beautiful
Thanks :)
That's so cool that you can take your cat for walks and in the snow too!
She loves that :)
Hi!You have amazing cat :) We have cats and love them too..have a nice day
Thanks :)
Que lindo... Me encanta
beautiful letter....
:) :D