Jaffa has gone a bit mental...

in #cat7 years ago (edited)

So Jaffa is the most easy going, placid cat I have ever met. As soon as he meets new people he is straight up on their laps with no questions asked. He will dominate you and demand cuddles.

Recently he has gone a bit scatty.

Whether it is because it's cold outside - he has been refusing to go out unless it's for the toilet - or whether he is just a bit broken we will never know. We came into the kitchen the other day after hearing him tear round the house like a Formula 1 driver wondering what the hell was going on!?! There he was, Pupils filling his eyes and low to the ground. Has he seen something? Is there a mouse? No... Jaffa has apparently been eating our bread rolls and is chasing a bit of one around the floor.


Now I thought cats were carnivores, but nope, this cat likes a good old fashioned sandwich apparently.

We have since purchased a bread bin to keep his thieving paws away from our flour based foods, but did neglect to put our crisps (potato chips) in any kind of safe place. Turns out he also likes to eat these... The shredded foil bag and trail of destruction were a welcome sight at 6.30AM on a Tuesday morning...

Thank's Jaffa, you crazy beast for being a bit weird, but 100% adorable.



Statistics indicate that animal lovers in recent years have shown a preference for cats over dogs!

I'd 100% agree with those stats!

It may take as long as 2 weeks for a kitten to be able to hear well. Their eyes usually open between 7 and 10 days, but sometimes it happens in as little as 2 days.

cats have such good personalities. endless entertainment.