Pet ownership is not just for the rich

in #cat7 years ago


Recently my daughter brought home a kitten. As a responsible pet owner, we of course wanted to get him neutered. We started by calling Veterinarians in our local area, since we didn't already have one. We priced the procedure with them and asked them about care option such as shots, and worming.

To my surprise, most of these professionals fees were simply outrageous for such a minor procedure. The amount that the Veterinarian charged, just for their time is more than a human doctor charges. In fact the procedure, and medication is only about one fifth of the cost. The rest of the billing is for the physicians time only. Many of them also ask that you pay up front for a pre-op and post-op visit, before consenting to the surgery.

Some one told me that the local Humane Society was glad to help at a lesser fee. I contacted them, and although they were very business, they made an appointment with us two weeks out.

When we arrived at the appointment, there were three other kittens that were receiving the same procedure. The attending nurse came out to explain that each kitten would be seen in their turn, and that their Lady Veterinarian was very skilled, and caring. She seen to these surgeries each Friday, and it was rare to have complications. This was good, because my daughter was very nervous.

When we came to pick up our little guy, he was sleepy but ready to go home. The nurse gave us instructions for care, along with pain medicine. I was impressed by the amazing staff, and the friendly atmosphere. I also was happy with the care our kitten received.

We were able to have our little kitten neutered and his shots, for $60. The other Vets in town wanted $400 or more. So with all of the information that is out there about getting your pets spayed and neutered, why are Veterinarians charging so much?

Having a pet is not just for the rich! If that was so, than more animals would be without homes than the ones already suffering. Many responsible pet owners believe in spaying and neutering to not only control the pet population so that every pet has a home; but also because of health reasons. If more Veterinarians would charge a reasonable price, more people could afford better pet care.

I personally would like to thank the people who do the challenging work at the Humane Society, and those who support their cause. Without programs like yours, many pet owners could not have the precious animal that enrich our lives.

Picture by: Via Mel/Flickr
Spaying or neutering your kitten minimizes the chances of your pet later developing reproductive cancer.


$400 to complete all that is necessary to ensure a beautiful little kitten is healthy and happy is completely outrageous. I have never heard of such a thing. I have had both cats and dogs and the big advantage of cat ownership is the cheaper week to week and month to month ongoing costs.

I really hope that any VET who charges such a high price for cat care goes out of business quick-fast-and-in-a hurry. With all of the homeless cats out there who need loving homes we need to encourage cat ownership.

Some of these VETS must forget why it is they became animal care-givers in the first place which is incredibly disappointing.

Thankfully there are people like you out there who are doing this out of the kindness of your heart.

Great work.

Pretty normal here in Reno at most Vets!

A cat's normal temperature varies around 101 degrees Fahrenheit.