I have always seen cats as a very astute, affectionate and at the same time complicated animal.

After dedicating myself to carry out an investigation I have achieved some very interesting items
The first is that he did not know what is the way to tell us that he trusts you, and they simply lie face up when they see you; because it is a position that leaves them defenseless without the possibility of defending themselves. When you have pets, we must learn to interact with them, because even when they do not speak (our own language) they have a way of communicating, and as we are intelligent individuals (we have reason) we must learn their language to improve communication with them
We must keep in mind that it is another living being and to the extent that we can establish a communication with them we can have a relationship of respect, and coexistence.

The group of words associated with cat (catt, cath, chat, katze) stem from the Latin catus, meaning domestic cat, as opposed to feles, or wild cat.
I will be very helpful
regardsThank you very much for the information @catfacts, I will keep it in mind for the next publication
Heat occurs several times a year and can last anywhere from 3 to 15 days.
I do not understand this message, can you explain it better, please