There is a set of myths that have been said, repeatedly feline friends, called The Cats, and have been repeated for so long that one ends up believing in these "Affirmations"
Let's start by placing some of them so that we can have more knowledge about this cute animals, loved by some and poorly understood by others, many times because of their lack of knowledge and ignorance, they pay much attention to a set of myths that in their Most are unfounded, let's start:
1- Cats like milk
Most cats are lactose intolerant, so giving them milk and other dairy products can cause gastrointestinal problems. Adult cats do not have lactase, the enzyme that degrades lactose that contains milk. This enzyme is present in lactating kittens but disappears after being weaned. Milk and dairy should be avoided in the diet of any adult cat. This myth can be related to the comiquitas, for example those of Tom and Jerry (Very famous) where the cats were always given milk, trying to give them that "human" sense, perhaps with the aim of creating that nexus between the caricature and children, in my opinion I think they did it.
2- Cats are treacherous animals
They are not. The cat is a solitary animal, although the domestication has caused that each day more cats are found with a very accented social behavior. That is why it tends to confuse this attitude, with a characteristic of distrust and what happens is that being solitary individuals, do not live in clan outside a direct "family" bond that occurs while they are puppies and as they grow they tend to seeking their individuality incorporating that need for solitary animals, frequently, is often classified erroneously compared to the dog, whose behavior is highly social. Even when several adult cats live in the same house, they tend to demarcate their territories and spend almost all their time in individual spaces and in a solitary way.
3- Cats get along with dogs
A cat that lives with dogs during their socialization period (from 2 to 8 weeks of age) and onwards, will be a cat that interprets dogs as a "friendly species". Well-socialized dogs and cats can coexist perfectly in the same family space; this is another myth accentuated by the comiquitas of television, to give fun to the action Tom and Jerry were always fighting and appreciate the other character the dog Spike a bad humored dog that beat Tom, perhaps a lot of the blame on the opinion that we have formed about these animals is related to this famous cartoon

4- They are especially curious
There is a saying that says curiosity killed the cat. However, all animals can have this attitude, according to their personalities. While most cats stay at a safe distance from something unknown, others are bolder and take a risk. The personalities are delimited as they are in humans, and in other animals. Generally that curiosity has been created, based on the behavior of domestic puppies, and they are very playful, but that is a typical behavior of most animals that are born by litters, that is the natural way of learning that will then serve them of adults.
5- They are domesticated animals
This is perhaps one of the most unfounded, because of the closeness that you have many times with them, in which they have become an integral part of the family. Cats with pedigree, of out of the ordinary breeds, are domesticated animals, since for a long time they have learned to live with humans and they are based on the routines that the owners mark them. But the same does not happen with the common cats, especially the females that during the mating season leave. The males they are with are not always domesticated and they are the ones who choose one or two cats to mate. If a cat is not domesticated in the first two months of life, then it will be difficult for it to follow its master's orders. In this way cats often follow their own rules.
There are historical records of the Old House's domestic cats, since in the hieroglyphs the importance of domestic cats in ancient Egypt, which may have lived 4,000 years ago, is recorded, but the latest research shows that it was even earlier, approximately 10 thousand years. The cats spread through Africa and the Middle East becoming common animals. Although there is still no accurate evidence of the time they became domestic, it seems to be a gradual process in which wild cats became pets.

Loved your post! I have 4 cats on my own and I love them and no I'm not an spinster I have a husband and a baby, going back to the cats each one of my cats have their own personality, one o then treat us( my husband, my baby and me) as her cats! she get to my shoulders to lick my ears and my hair as if I'm other cat, but tha's just her, the others are pretty much indifferents unles you have a box fot them to play hide and seek! People misjugde them because they don't go very exited when the owner gets home or just dont go jump around you like a dog would, but they do have their way to show you love. So cat haters read a little bit about them before you go shoooing a cat!
That good friend, if the cats have been misunderstood because of many myths, remember that a lie repeated many times becomes true (myth with a spill in truth), what happens is that the callajero cat and the domestic cat have very different, and if the cats from puppies are held as pets, they learn to obey the orders of their masters, that is one of the main reasons why people do not understand them
How nice that you liked my post
Cheetahs do not roar, as the other big cats do. Instead, they purr.
Anyway it is very good to be able to interact and socialize with the new friends that we are building in this network
thank you very much for your support
regardsMy friend @catfacts, apparently you like Cheetahs a lot,
Cats' hearing is much more sensitive than humans and dogs.
The hearing of cats is scientifically proven, so it can not be assumed as a myth
The Maine Coone is the only native American long haired breed.
they are so beautiful
And they do not have problems in summer with so much hair and heat?
you always have the best content