My true blue buddy

in #cat8 years ago

This little lady is my best friend. She's one of those cats that has a lot of personality, although she is very selective of humans she likes.


One of her specialties is standing on her hind legs while stretching and waving her arms at you. I can get her to do it by asking for "ups" as I call it, but sometimes she does it at me spontaneously and it's really cute. I'll try to get a picture of it sometime, but I'd need someone else to take it so I'd have my arms free.


She used to like to play fetch with two liter soda lids. One time while searching behind some furniture for something, I found her stash of like ten of them. She's a bit like a ferret in that way! ![IMG_0100.JPG]
This is her as a tiny baby.()


All cats want to murder me in my sleep. I love them anyway. :)

The cutest kitty in the land!!!

She misses you!

What a sweetie. I really love a cat that fetches... lol. The stashing of her pirates booty is hilarious. :)

If I remember correctly, I think we dropped a lid and it went rolling and she chased it and started to play with it. We started tossing it and she'd go for it. I'd never seen a cat do that before.

hahahaha, so funny and cute. My sister had a cat that would fetch but she actively worked on it with her cat.

That's great!

Yours is the only other I've heard of, but her cat did not have a horde. Cats are amazing beings.

She is very very precious! Her eyes kill me... what a sweet pea