Comfy Snuggle Cat

in #cat7 years ago (edited)

Meet my cat, Olivia. I absolutely love it when she makes herself at home in our bed. She knows she always has a safe warm place to go to when cat life gets too much for her, when she's done eating, grooming and chasing imaginary mice. Its not uncommon for me to get back from work and see her in the bed like this :)

Olivia resting.png

#Cat #Cats #Bed #Duvet #Animals #Cute #Comfy #Sleepy #Warm #Lazy #Blanket #Photo #CatPic #CatPhoto #iPhone #animalphotography


The domestic cat is the only species able to hold its tail vertically while walking. You can also learn about your cat's present state of mind by observing the posture of his tail.

Cats bury their feces to cover their trails from predators.