Molly Days: Episode 2 - Cat Tower

in #cat7 years ago

I am tall

I love height. That is, I love height. For once, my stature matches my status and I can tower over the slaves.

A most unexpected occurrence occurred as two unusual items of substantial intrigue were brought into my world.

As they arrived, I was apprehensive about approaching them, for all alien artifacts that enter my kingdom must undergo a strict period of testing and quarantine to ensure they are not hostile Trojan Horses.

Indeed, they were very similar to something I already possessed, but these seemed to be of a technological caliber of a greater step up in advancement. Indeed, one bore more than a passing resemblance, but the other was a mammoth invention of considerable complexity and height.

They cower

I have since declared these towers to be national monuments of significant cultural and historical importance to my kingdom. I have claimed them in my name, and I shall spread my body and scent all over them.

Whilst the first tower has vastly improved my capacity for relaxation, the other has... posed more than a minor problem.

First of all, it is too tall.

Now, I have never been one to take issue with greater abundances of height, but this one just seems... unnecessary. As much as I appreciate the theory behind its existence, it is more than a little troublesome in practice.

As I go higher, I appear to lose balance, and at the uppermost level, I cannot help but feel the entire structure shaking wildly beneath me. This sensation is most vexing and unwelcome. I fear that this tower may be a trap that is being used to undermine my rule, but this is inconsequential. There is also this most unusual hole in the center that I have little to no understanding of. Am I supposed to travel through it? What is the purpose?

There is also a small cavernous space attached, but it is perhaps too small. I may be a cat, but I appreciate my personal space. The tail will not fit.

I may never use it, and it may be an unsightly, cumbersome piece of architecture, but it is mine, and therefore, it is great.

I continue to be tall.


In an average year, cat owners in the United States spend over $2 billion on cat food.

Eine Katze hat in jedem Ohr 32 Muskeln, um die Öhrchen zu bewegen – Menschen haben hingegen nur 6

She really is in love with the heights, by the way she is fluffy and beautiful, her eyes are worth of a notice.

That's interesting. Nice post with great photos of a photogenic cat who loves the high life.

Our 9-month Ragdoll has not shown any interest in reaching for the stars till today. It's a little strange.

Hey @zaigeist, this great interesting article u post. Lovely cat. I will like to add a quote here , that may be helpful to bloggers on this platform ;

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The more love a cat feels for its owner, the less space on the bed he leaves him. I liked your post, good luck and have a good day.