Peaceful Catalonia Rebellion Defies Spain: First-hand On The Ground Reports:
Title: With a little luck and patience the independent Republic of Catalonia can succeed
Video posted 28 Oct 2017 by Simon Harris
Role of the PoliceIt seems to me that the first indications of the immediate chances of success or failure are going to depend on the position the Mossos d’Esquadra take. I just can’t see them positioning themselves either against the Catalan government or against the people, especially if the demonstrations and rallies remain peaceful, which I’m pretty certain they will.
The only violent outbursts so far have been associated with the Spanish-speaking unionist demonstrations. A few people were beaten up on the unionist rally a few weeks ago and there was a big fight outside Café Zurich on Spain National Day on October 12th. Last night a unionist march, which began in Sarrià, ended up outside the Catalunya Radio and apparently there was some violence and breakages as the demonstrators complained at the journalists and presenters for their biased anti-Spanish reporting.
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With a little luck and patience the independent Republic of Catalonia could succeed
Oct 28, 2017 | Posted by Simon Harris