Gath3r Monetization with blockchain.

Web mining is a process of searching for useful information from the records of the server, that is, the history of the users, it is basically the search of hidden patterns by mathematical, statistical or algorithmic methods. Which result in the resolution of them.Mining also has its rewards, because like all work that solves this data, it has its monetary reward, besides this is a necessary process for the maintenance of the majority of block chains.
Understanding this has been born a type of mining specifically aimed at helping publishers, bloggers, content creators and websites. Monetizing mining through the wed, this project is called Gath3r
¿What is Gath3r ?
Gath3r It is the first project that allows publishers in the blockchain to obtain benefits through combined mining, with very important characteristics such as scalability, safety and profitability.

The token that will be issued by Gath3r is the GTH that will be used to comply with regulatory requirements or other governmental or commercial obligations.

Route map
Below you will see all activities (Realized, In Process and Future) of Gath3r.

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Team and Advisors of Gath3r
Gath3r It is formed by a responsible team and trained in everything related to monetization, with the desire to improve this type of services offering its customers security and confidence in this platform.
Introductory video
Gath3r The new blockchain technology, platform created to help publishers, bloggers, content creators and websites to monetize through mining in the browser, this platform offers reliability, an efficient and secure service. pque includes multiple benefits for its users.

If you want to know more about Gath3r you can access the following links:
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