Free Talk on the Holy Face of Manopello (Singapore)

in #catholic8 years ago

Relics, statues, and other holy items are part and parcel of the Catholic Faith, and they can be found the world over.

Some of the most famous items are the relics of the Holy Apostles, relics of the True Cross, and the Shroud of Turin. Yet, many people have not yet heard of the Holy Face of Manopello. This holy 'relic' is often called the "Veil of Veronica" and is considered by many to be a supernaturally produced image of the face of Christ.


In spite of the controversies, many souls from around the world, both Catholic and otherwise, have made pilgrimages to a Capuchin monastery in Italy where this holy relic is housed.

Should you be interested in learning more and are currently resident in Southeast Asia, Mr. Andrew Kong will be giving a talk on the Holy Face at St. Joseph's Church in Singapore. The event will take place on June 16th, 2017 from 19:45 to 21.15. Attendance is free, but participants are asked to register in advance (

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Another interesting one! There don't seem to be many Catholics on here. Gonna follow you if you're posting these kinds of things? I'm a singer-songwriter if you're interested in checking out my videos. Take care!

We're pretty small community thus far, but perhaps others will join us in the near future.