Hello my dear ! happy to read you again here !
I can remember when you wrote a (FB) post about your husband finding this kitten...It's great that she is now full part of the family..! =))
Yet how bad she has to endure such pains and so frequently..!
I know little about cats, I have none but I love them, like I love any living creature but undoubtedly more than a mosquito or a crocodile...LoL
I have no pet at home because living in an appartment and knowing also the responsability it is to have pets, as they are no toys or objects, they deserve the best and I think I can not give that to them at the moment, without speaking of the money it costs to treat them perfectly healthy. So my way to love and honor them is to paint them, anime them joyfully through my drawings, and also to not eat them (speaking of all the animals, not only cats of course ^_^),
all these are my personal choices, I think everybody has to do their own respectful choices, it is nobody else's affair, it is between us and our soul =))
I wish you a
Oh Sweet Barbara, such a beautiful reply! I thought I would give this another try after this thought came into my head last night and I just wanted to write it out. I so love you New Years creature here, adorable! I think everything you draw brings joy to everyone who sees it ❤️