Care for Miss Pelusa

in #cats8 months ago

Pelusa closer.jpg

Well Sweet Pelusa is keeping herself well hidden most of the day. But she was spotted by the security guard outside the school and also Luis in the shop across the road around midday today. The owners of that shop are the people who are feeding her as well as the other neighborhood cats, out of the kindness of their hearts. We decided to leave this 1/2 kilo of food with them, because they also have already fed Pelusa from their stash.

This is the bill from the check-up that she received the day before yesterday. Already the clinic extended to us their lowest price for her, because she is from the street. They are very helpful and generous, but if they are going to be able to continue, they will need to bring in more than the bare minimum. I think perhpas more of their patients are animals without homes, than those who they earn any profit from.

En Espanol

Perdoname, mi espanol es menos o menos...pero no voy a aprovechar el app de traduccion hoy.
La Pelusa linda se quedo bien escondida la mayoria del dia hoy. Pero mediodia, les vio a ella, la guardia afuera de la escuala y tambien el dueno del mercadito ahi cerca, Luis. Son los duenos de este mercadito y Imprenta quien estaba dando alimento a Pelusa ya y todos los gatos del barrio, por la bondad de sus corazones. Por eso les dimos este medio kilo de ration hoy para ella y todos.
Aca esta la factura de la clinica para su revista de anteayer. Ya no hico su mejor precio posible, un descuento profundo porque la gata esta del calle. Pero, si la clinica va a tener la capacidad de seguir asi, hay que ganar mas que el minimo minimo, si? Creo que tiene mas patientes del situation de calle que hay patientes de que pueden ganar algo para seguir.

Mil gracias. Mil besos