The lightest cat on record is a blue point Himalayan called Tinker Toy, who weighed 1 pound, 6 ounces (616 g). Tinker Toy was 2.75 inches (7 cm) tall and 7.5 inches (19 cm) long.
The lightest cat on record is a blue point Himalayan called Tinker Toy, who weighed 1 pound, 6 ounces (616 g). Tinker Toy was 2.75 inches (7 cm) tall and 7.5 inches (19 cm) long.
I know what kind of cat I have 17 years :) And it’s siamese :)
Cat families usually play best in even numbers. Cats and kittens should be aquired in pairs whenever possible.
Like that look Himalayan cat :)
And like that siamese :)
omgdatbanhammer In 1987 cats overtook dogs as the number one pet in America.
:D good
Cats come back to full alertness from the sleep state faster than any other creature.