I love to clean up - MyAnimalPhotography

in #cats • 4 years ago

... but it takes a long time with the fur 😺


This is my entry for #MyAnimalPhotography initiated by @eii.


  • Use only your original photos!
  • Use the tag #MyAnimalPhotography
  • The title of your post must include MyAnimalPhotography

I appreciate your support! Thanks @comiccat


for you

Hey @comiccat, here is a little bit of BEER from @eii for you. Enjoy it!

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Thanks so much for partaking in #dailypetphotography!

Please find our post at https://hive.blog/@dpet or https://steempeak.com/c/hive-181573

Please follow @dpet for upcoming events.
Our discord channel is up and running, come on over and say hi, lots of avil pet owners are awaiting you there.



Tip Bot


Cat grooming time is the best, our cats try to groom us too. 😹