Ive never heard if such a thing. I will check into. i don't mind the occasional bucket shower. I crash at other people's homes often enough that i get plenty of hot pressurized showers. And since i have to pack in all my water, i probably won't ever get too extravagant with the showering.
Although, once i get the rain water system going, all bets are off! I plan to indulge my pisces nature.
And it is sweltering here at the moment. That could be related to two cats laying on me but its mostly because i overloaded the wood stove.
I am also a pisces and I must have my water. If i was rich in tarpolines id have a bunch in all of the trees catching me some.
I have a stack of 3 caged totes theoretically holding almost 1000 gallons but a storm took out my down spout and i need to set up a roof washing system.
The water gets dank in those totes.