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RE: I lost a friend

in #cats2 years ago

I have two kitties currently. They are two in a long line of 30+ over the years. Years ago, my kitties were outdoor kitties, but when we moved to Colorado and then Washington state, I no longer let them out. They were indoor kitties. Especially here in Washington, there are too many predators both the flying kind and the bigger 4 legged (cougars) kind, but also the human kind.

I had a kitty who was a Manx and was more human the cat. He adored me and I him. The year just prior to his 8th birthday, he developed kidney failure. He did hang on for 5 months, but also passed. I was devastated!

Our kitties are part of the family; almost like children. They are there when we are happy and when we are sad and know exactly what we need and when we need it. They offer unconditional love. I totally get you and what you are going through. I have loved all of my kitties dearly. Cherish your pictures and memories of him.🤗💜