Good it is great to see your dedication to show us high quality post to show us in each of your deliveries that relationship so beautiful that exists between animals and man especially cats and dogs, they are part of the family so less in my house I have a dog called doki ... I invite you to see my post about the Ave del Condor of the Venezuelan Andes in extinction and in the zoo jets of mile Merida Venezuela were born a few years ago two children are the only Views in the last 30 years since they were in the process of extinction
And the one of a project that I have been developing on an educational plan through steemit that is called CARING FOR MY HEALTH WITH STEEMIT through the development of educational content about health in varied subjects I would like you to see my last delivery
Again, I tell you, you surprise me, every delivery of yours is wonderful and it makes me think that man together with nature should always live together and take care of the animals and protect the helpless cats and dogs .
Thanks for dropping by. I will take time to read your posts.
I hope that I will have more power to influence people to help stray animals.