I had to have the talk with Cleo today and she wasn't overly impressed. I tried to be stern, stay on topic, but of course her super-cuteness made that difficult. She looked at me with those eyes and was purring all the way through. That might have had something to do with the fact I was nuzzling her face with mine throughout the talk...Hey, don't judge me I can't help if I love my cat more than I like most people...But the talk had to happen and I pushed on despite the snuggles, purring and nose-kisses.
I had to discuss the topic of flirting with the little princess as she's been a rather flirtatious little girl lately.
You see, there's fellow that comes calling almost daily, a rather handsome chap I'll concede. Dark, deep, alert and attentive eyes, a rather fit looking body, infectious and disarming smirk and a certain confidence that draws attention. No, I'm not describing myself here, I'm talking about the cat. I call him Felix although I don't know what his real name is. He pops over to see Cleo, is infatuated with her. I get it, she's cute...But she's my little bubs and I don't care if he stands below the balcony and serenades her...He's not coming in and she's not going out.
She's always shown interest in the little fellow - he is quite an engaging and ruggedly handsome chap - and when he comes over she races to the window and sits there making eyes at him. I wrote a post about it a little while so you can scroll back if you wish. The thing is I caught her making googly eyes at him a few days ago and again today...Hmm, trouble is brewing.
So...I'm a man and am not impervious to flirtation from the right person of the opposite sex. It works on me. Having said that, I am very choosy about who I let into my inner circle and some sexy flirtation isn't enough to break through the shield wall - it takes more. But yeah, I know when it's happening usually, what it looks like, and how it feels to be on the receiving end of it, so I knew what Cleo was up to.
When I saw Cleo at the window with Felix I was horrified! My sweet little bubs, shakin' it for that naughty devil-cat? What fresh hell have I entered!
Felix, of course, sat outside, smug look on his face as if to say, yeah girl, work it, shake dat ass for me.
Hmm, maybe he didn't think that at all, but in my head it was something like that. I also thought, where's my shotgun. Ok, I didn't actually think this because I love cats, but I thought it sounded good for this post. I watched him watching her and I swear the Bazzi song mine was playing in his head! I could see him there watching my innocent little girl's flirtations thinking about sex therapy. Fuck it, where's my shotgun, I said out loud!
Anyway, I didn't end up blasting that little romantic fucker into oblivion. He ended up bolting back over the fence and Cleo went back to her spot on the couch which is where I took this picture. I used the opportunity to give her the talk.
The short story is the talk wasn't as stern as I would have liked. She looked at me in the same way you see in the photo above as if to say, yes dad, I know flirting with Felix is bad blah blah blah. Something tells me I'm fighting a losing battle here.
You know I'm joking right? I didn't give her the talk at all. It's actually really cute watching these two little fluffy things make eyes at each other. Cleo gets depressed when he doesn't come over and sometimes she's asleep. If I see him and she happens to be sleeping I pick her up to show her but sometimes sleeping is more important.
So anyway...Flirting...What's your style? Do you have a signature move? (I mean with humans now folks). Talk to uncle G-dog, tell me your flirty secrets if you dare.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
Discord: galenkp#9209
La mia immagine
Nice post, this year I got to know that I really love pets, am also planning on getting a cat.🐈
Cats are the best. They make a person work for their affection and I like that aspect because relationships should take some effort.
I will keep that in mind😌
Lol...great daddy you are 😉
I like to think so...I'm glad the word is out.
So basically the feline version of "West Side Story"? Oh Oh great ides....."West Side Story" performed by the cast of "Cats"!!! We're going to be RICH!
So, come a little closer and let Papa tell you how this flirting thing works....it easy. Just act as awkward and clumsy as possible and make sure you blurt out useless points of trivia at inappropriate times! That right there is MONEY! My personal go to is a rather lengthy monologue about how dentistry dates all the way back to ancient Egypt and how evidence of it was found in the pyramids! Man, watch the panties start flying!!!!
And then panties fly?* Sounds legit. This level of flirting sounds about my capability...Although I'm not well-versed in ancient dentistry...But have knocked a few teeth out in my day so that probably counts.
oh for sure, that definitely counts!
Great, then I'm validated. ✅
Probably the best way to describe mine is crash and burn. Not very effective but at least it's consistent.
Ah yes, that's how it's been with me...I call it the Maverick, you know from Top Gun. Hmm, Maybe you're not that old.
I did see Top Gun when I was young. Mainly because my dad was a huge fan :) I'm not old but I'm not exactly young either…
Lol...Not old and not young...I've said that a few times. Still, it's how I feel.
Nice post
I have a cross species love affair. @pooky-jax is OK with it. She loves Sammi Jo too...
Lol. Not freaky bro...That's par for the course.
Oh, I have missed your reads. Seems like it has been forever since I have been here. It has been forever!
I once told you that I have a similar situation with my Buddy cat and Sophie across the street. She is allowed in and out. She likes peeking in the window too and will wait there for him. When he sees her, one of them will hiss, hair standing straight up like a horror show and their tail grows three sizes. I swear. It's true love. I swear. If she doesn't come, he looks for her all day.
Sound like an abusive relationship waiting to start.
Flirting. Hmmm. I don't think I flirt. I have a cat that does it all for me. Miss Kitty uses those eyes on everyone.
It's all I got. I have to use a cat to flirt.
Le sigh.
If we all had cats to flirt on our behalf we'd probably all do much better! 😉
Good to have you back. I know you're busy but hoot you get some time to pull into the pots, slip into neutral and have a break.