As usual, the cats had quite a lazy afternoon. They spent a lot of last night awake and exploring the new cat-tower, so I think they decided to get some naptime in today. Blaze was drooling on the leather, he was passed out so hard, haha. Enjoy the photos!
Cleo, relaxing in the windowsill.
Blaze, just waking up.
And Tiger, engaging his super-secret-curled-cat-mode.
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They enjoy a lot of sleep it must be a wonderful life how it must be to live a cats life.
They definitely do!
@grapthar cat is really so pretty animals and in your blog they are so much beauti full. @grapthar please upvote my last post and i will upvote your last post .share your views also .please #upvote_for_upvote @ankitjnv
Thanks! Yeah they are a pretty spoiled bunch, hehe
please @grapthar upvote my last post
@grapthar plz upvote
Nice Cat
Tiger definitely doing what we call "cat in it's ROUND configuration" around here! Right up there with sleeping in the sink...
haha yes, the round config. Apparently our cats sleep in the sinks too, as I find fur, but I've never actually found one of them doing it, haha.
How beautiful your cats, I love them ♥️♥️
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks! Glad you liked them!